What Government Programs Support Renewable Energy in Pleasanton, CA?

East Bay Energy Watch is a local government partnership with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) that provides small and medium-sized businesses with a straightforward approach to save energy and money through energy efficiency improvements and modernizations. The EBCE is governed by a board of directors made up of local elected officials from each participating city, allowing Pleasanton to offer an alternative energy option to customers. This allows jurisdictions to purchase electricity from clean, renewable energy sources on behalf of taxpayers at rates equal to or lower than PG&E. HomeIntel's intelligent auditing can identify sources of wasted energy in your home and provide a savings plan with quantified cost and energy savings. The City of Pleasanton is devoted to encouraging the use of renewable energy sources, and has implemented several government programs to support this goal.

The municipality has partnered with PG&E to provide incentives for businesses and residents to install solar panels, as well as offering rebates for energy-efficient appliances. Additionally, the city has implemented a net metering program, which allows customers to receive credits for any excess electricity generated by their solar panels. The city also offers a Solarize Pleasanton program, which provides discounted solar installation services for residents. This program is funded by the California Solar Initiative, which provides incentives for homeowners to install solar systems. The city also offers free energy audits for businesses and residents, which can help identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved. The City of Pleasanton is committed to helping its citizens reduce their carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy sources.

Through its various government programs, the municipality is providing incentives and support for businesses and residents to make the switch to clean, renewable energy sources.